How to Do a Sock Face Mask


How to Do a Sock Face Mask

It’s not easy trying to pull off the sock face look, which is why I’m going to show you how to do it! The way that this particular look is done is quite simple, you’ll need two socks, long-sleeved socks that go from heel to toe. Now take one sock and tie it very loosely around your head so that it can’t get in your eyes. The other sock needs to go from your ankle to your hip. This is just to create enough length that it won’t get in your eyes, but also long enough to where it doesn’t stick out like a pack of braces!

Now once both socks are tied to make a sort of pincushion by pressing your thumb into the backside of one sock and drawing it outward, as far as you can. Now slip your non-dominating hand underneath the heel of one sock, and slide your dominant hand underneath the second sock. Now you’re going to want to press your foot against the inside of the second sock. This is the part that doesn’t touch the ground but pulls it towards your body. Since you are wearing a mask that covers only the area of your face, this will give your entire “sock face” a less noticeable appearance.

Once you have your sock face mask made, you need to put the bottom portion of the mask over your actual lower eyelid. You will then want to draw a line from your upper eyelid to the bottom of your sock, and make one more line down the side of your foot. You will then draw a line across your entire mask. After you have your sock applied, you’re going to want to draw a line right at the top of your head, to help you see what you’re going to do.
